
Thank you for being interested in my site and portfolio

My name is Mia Monaco. I am currently a senior studying for my B.F.A. in Graphic Design at Iowa State University and here is a little more information about me.

I love to travel. I come from a family that likes to travel by car so I have come to love the in between places while going from city to city. I also LOVE a good read. Once I get my hands on a good book I will finish it in a day or two. The one thing I absolutely love about books are their covers. I enjoy walking through the isles of book stores just looking at all the covers. I like to rewatch movies while I work on projects or paintings and whenever I have the chance I like to watch something new. Recently, I have taken a liking to taking long walks with my camera and just taking photos of anything and everything that catches my eye.

I hope to grow as a designer; to be continued…

As an Artist I hope explore and utilize my passion for both painting and photography. I also hope to get the opportunity of exploring other paint mediums such a gauche and oil.

As a Photographer I hope to get the opportunity of portrait photography. I want to grow in exploring photography through color and movement.